next level organisation.

How do you lead your organisation to a thriving future?
Your organisation has a higher purpose. To contribute to a brighter future. Your organisation is sincerely committed to make a change. To find New Ways.
But how do you lead your organisation to a thriving future? How can you be the guide and the spaceholder for growth?
How do you create Togetherness? How do you embrace all the colors within the organization and make the most beautiful painting out of it?
Many forward thinking organisations find it difficult to really live up to the highest purpose of the organisation. Words are easier said than done.
Does the impact and contribution of your organisation stay behind on the vision? Do you feel like your organisation has more potential?
Is ‘something’ blocked in your organisation and you don’t know what it is?
create impact inside out
The outside world of your company is like a mirror. What works great for your customers, works great within your organisation and what doesn’t work for your customers doesn’t work within your organisation.
Your ‘employees’ are therefore the first customers of your organisation.
The key of creating more impact lies inside of your organisation. The results will follow.
Therefore your role as a leader is to be conscious in many ways. To be connected with the most essential and fundamental ‘part’ of your organisation: the Soul. When the Soul is not fully alive, the energy will be blocked in your organisation. You will see it in many ways: lower employee satisfaction, lack of inspiration or the inspiration does not hit the ground, lack of taking full responsibility amongst employees.
When you want to move forward with your organisation, it is essential to know that your organisation can only create a new future when it is set free from its own past. All that happened, the good and the bad need to be fully acknowledged and honored. Only then the wounds from the past can be healed. And space will be created to root the Soul purpose of the organisation in fertile soil.
Do you want to create impact inside out?

I will walk next to you
You are the leader of your organisation. And I will walk next to you as a guide.
You know how organisations run and you have a clear vision on how to lead your organisation.
Now you need someone who can really guide you, your leadership team and your organisation to the next level.
Let me make clear that I first of all guide the leader(s) within the organisation. It is my mission to empower you to be the best leader you can be, serving the highest purpose of your organisation.
The inside out change of the organisation starts with the leadership team. I support leadership teams to really become one team. To feel deeply connected. To enhance collaboration.To let inspiration and creativity flow. Every member needs to feel safe to explore and to take ‘risks’ to get to unexpected solutions and ‘new ways’.
Cases I am being asked for as a leadership guide
We redefined our purpose, but how do we align our organisation with this purpose? How do we ‘translate’ our purpose to our culture, way of organising and way of working?
We are somehow ‘stuck’. Our purpose is clear and we are on our way. But somehow we don’t get further. It feels like something is blocking us. Can you help us with identifying what is happening and how we can resolve this?
We are in the stage of redefining our purpose, but it is harder than we thought. How do we involve the whole organisation? How do we connect the hearts of our employees with the heart of our organisation?